You should only be here if you've worked out for a team and the Head Coach has selected you for a roster spot and shared this link with you. If you have not been selected for a team, please do not move forward and contact the coach if you have any questions. You will be charged at the end of this process. If you have been selected and are ready to commit, then please proceed.
Congratulations and Welcome to the club! Please complete the information below and pay your registration fee to complete the process. You are not added to our teams and covered by our insurance until you complete this process and your registration fee is paid in full.
Onboarding Checklist (Everything you need to do in order to get started)
Tryout for and make a team. If you need to tryout, please contact one of our coaches from the contact page to ask for a workout or when the next tryout will be
Your Head Coach will send you here, to the Onboarding Page
Complete the Warriors FC Softball Onboarding Form and pay the $50 registration fee. This step allows you to start practicing and participating within our organization and means you are covered under our insurance
You can purchase Uniforms and/or Jerseys at our Shop link listed in the menu above
Possible Costs
$50 - Registration Fee
$80 - Monthly Club Membership Fee (to be billed starting on the first day of the first month coming up)
$199.99 - Uniform Bundle or less if you choose to just buy jerseys
Be prepared for any equipment that your Head Coach might require and any upcoming tournament fees, which are not included in the monthly membership fee